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从事半导体材料、无机材料的制备及其微结构方面研究,在材料合成、利用透射电镜表征上积累了丰富的 知识和经验。近年来在材料研究领域以第一作者及署名发表学术论文30余篇,获得国家专利2项。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金1项(2012年12月结题)、留学回国人员科研启动基金1项(2007年4月– 2009年4月、已完成)、福建省新世纪优秀人才支持计划1项(2006年9月 – 2009年9月、已完成)。主要参与过的项目为:低成本多晶硅提纯及其太阳电池研发与产业化,福建省重大专项(2007HZ0005-2, 2007.1—2009.12);超大规模集成电路(ULSI)用硅材料中杂质和缺陷的基础研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(50032010, 2001.1 – 2004.1)。


1.Jin Xu, Nating Wang and Deren Yang, Influence of oxygen precipitation on copper precipitation in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, pp094907(1) - 094907(4), 2012

2.Jin Xu, Nating Wang and Weiqiang Wang, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of self-assembled Eu-doped ZnO hollow microspheres, Physica Status Solidi A, 208(12), pp2833-2838, 2011

3.吉川,徐进,点缺陷对硼掺杂直拉硅单晶P/P+外延片中铜沉淀的影响,物理学报,第61卷,第23期, pp236102(1) - 236102(5), 2012

4.张光超,徐进,直拉单晶硅中洁净区形成后铜沉淀行为的研究,物理学报,第62,第7期,pp076103(1) - 076103(6), 2013(此出版年、卷、期的信息为清样上注明日期)

5.Rong Wang, Jin Xu, Chao Chen, Luminescent characteristics of Sr2B2O5: Tb3+, Li+ green phosphor, Materials Letters, 68,pp307-309,2012

6.Jin Xu, Weiqiang Wang, Deren Yang and H. J. Moeller, Transmission electron microscopy investigation of the micro-defects in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 478,pp758-762,2009

7.Lei Li, Yawen Zhong, Jian Li, Caikang Chen, Aijuan Zhang, Jin Xu and Zhi Ma, Thermally stable and solvent resistant honeycomb structured polystyrene films via photochemical cross-linking, Journal of Materials chemistry, 19, pp222-7227, 2009


9.Jin Xu, Yongzhi Wang, Deren Yang and H. J. Moeller, Influence of nickel precipitation on the formation of denuded zone in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 502,pp351-355,2010

10.王永志,徐进,王娜婷,吉川,张光超,铜沉淀对直拉硅单晶中洁净区形成的影响,物理学报,第61卷,第1期, pp016105(1) - 016105(8), 201211.

11.Jin Xu, Deren Yang, H.J.Moeller. Influence of copper precipitation on the formation of denuded zone in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, 102: 114506

12. 徐进, 李福龙,杨德仁. 直拉硅单晶中原生氧沉淀的透射电镜研究,Acta Phys.Sin (物理学报),2007,56(7):4113-4116

13. Jin XU, Xiangyang MA, Jinggang LU, Chunlong LI, Deren YANG. Extended defects in nitrogen-doped Czochralski silicon during diode process, Physica B, 2004, 348 : 226-230

14. 徐进,杨德仁,马向阳,李春龙,阙端麟,A.Misiuk. 高压热处理对氧沉淀低温形核的影响,半导体学报,2002,23(4) :394-398

15. 徐进,杨德仁,储佳,马向阳,阙端麟. 微氮直拉硅单晶中氧化诱生层错透射电镜研究,Acta Phys.Sin (物理学报), 2004, 53(2) :550-554

16. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Xiangyang MA, Xuegong YU, Chunlong LI; Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon annealed at 450°C under a high pressure of 1 GPa, Physica B, 2003, 327 : 60-64

17. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Chunlong LI, Xiangyang MA, Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Transmission electron microscopy investigation of oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon annealed under high pressure, Material Science and Engineering B, 2003, 102 : 84-87

18. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Investigation of thermal donors in Czochralski silicon annealed at 450°C under high pressure of 1 GPa, Physica B, 2003, 339 : 204-207

19. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Xiangyang MA, Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Oxygen precipitation kinetics of Czochralski silicon preannealed under high pressure, Physica B, 2003, 340-342 : 1041-1045

20. Zhengqiang XI, Deren YANG, Jin XU, Yujie JI, Duanlin QUE, H.J.Moeller. Effect of intrinsic point defects on copper precipitation in large-diameter Czochralski silicon, Applied Physics Letters, 2003, 83(15) : 3048-3050

21. Deren YANG, Jia CHU, Jin XU, Duanlin QUE. Behavior of oxidation-induced stacking faults in annealed Czochralski silicon doped by nitrogen, Journal of Applied Physics, 2003, 93(11) : 8926-8929

22. Chunlong LI, Xiangyang MA, Jin XU, Xuegong YU, Deren YANG, Duanlin QUE. Effect of Rapid Thermal Process on oxygen precipitation in heavily boron-doped Czochralski silicon wafer, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2003, 42(12) : 7290-7291

23. Deren YANG, Xuegong YU, Xiangyang MA, Jin XU, Liben LI, Duanlin QUE. Germanium effect on void defects in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2002, 243 : 371-374

24. Xuegong YU, Deren YANG, Xiangyang MA, Jin XU, Liben LI, Duanlin QUE. Effect of oxygen precipitation on voids in bulk silicon, Microelectronic Engineering, 2003, 66 : 289-296

25. Zhengqiang XI, Deren YANG, Jun CHEN, Jin XU, Yujie JI, Duanlin QUE, H.J.Moeller. Influence of copper precipitation on oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2004, 19 : 299-305

26. Hongjie WANG, Xiangyang MA, Jin XU, Xuegong YU, Deren YANG. Effects of nitrogen doping on the dissolution of oxygen precipitates in Czochralski silicon during rapid thermal annealing, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2004, 19 : 715-719

27. Xiangyang Ma , Hui Zhang, Jin Xu, “Synthesis of La1-xCaxMnO3 nanowires by a sol–gel process”, Chem.Phys.Letter, 363(2002), 579

28. Hui Zhang, Xiangyang Ma, Jin Xu, “Directional CdS nanowires fabricated by chemical bath deposition”, J.Crystal.Growth, 246 (2002), 108

29. Hui Zhang, Xiangyang Ma, Jin Xu, Junjie Niu and Deren Yang, “Arrays of ZnO nanowires fabricated by a simple chemical solution route”, Nanotechnology, 14(2003), 423

30. Deren Yang, Gan Wang, Jin Xu, Dongsheng Li, Duanlin Que, C. Funke, H.J. Moeller, “Influence of oxygen precipitates on the warpage of annealed silicon wafers”, Microelectronic Engineering, 66(2003), 345

31. Q.Yang, J.Sha, J.Xu, et al, “Aligned single crystal boron nanowires”, Chem.Phys.Lett, 379 (2003), 87


1.王韦强(申请人研究生),徐进,自组装氧化锌空心球及其制备方法,2011. 5, 中国,ZL200910113125.412.

2.徐进,王韦强,徐丽丽,一种氧化锌空心微米球及其制备方法, 2012. 7,中国,ZL 2010 1 0502526.1

学位 职称 副教授
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 xujinmse@xmu.edu.cn 电话 0592-2180775

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